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Learn How to Start and Promote a Successful Business on 
the Internet

   There are several sites that are very useful online tools for the webmaster. These sites will generate meta tags, check for broken links, measure loading time, reduce the size of images, analyze your HTML code, check your ranking in search engines, allow you to add guestbooks to your site, instant webpolls, and allow you to easily add forms to your page and such. Below is a list of these extremely useful services.

Alx's Guestbook Service - A great, free guestbook service for personal sites.

AnimationOnline - Create Banners and animations online quickly and easily.

Banner Generator - A very good banner generator, can be used to make LinkExchange banners.

BraveNet - Get free guestbooks, counters, message boards, private search engine and more for your site!

CoolText - A very cool graphic generator with dozens of different styles and fonts. Highly recommended.

Customizable Currency Converter - Add a customizable FREE currency converter to your site. This great free online tool is used by CNN, AOL, Infoseek, Price Waterhouse, and Ernst&Young among many others. Highly Recommended.

DigiChat - DigiChat is a JAVA based client/server chat product designed specifically for Web Presence Providers and Educational or Corporate Webmasters. DigiChat sets a new standard for web-based chat.

Expose-Promotions - Meta-Tag generator.

Form Generator - Add forms to your page, very easy to use, and powerful.

Gifcruncher - A free online GIF optimization tool.

GIF Optimizer - Shrink down the size of your GIF files.

GuestWorld - The internets biggest free guestbook provider for websites.

InsideTheWeb - Get a free message board for your site.

Internexis Discussion Forums - Create a free message board for your site and start building a community!

InfoLink Link Checker - Download this freeware program to check links on your site.

InstaPoll - Add a free poll to your site, no cgi-bin required.

JPEG Wizard - Reduce the size of your JPEGs for use on the web.

NetMechanic - Does a detailed analysis of your site, including link checking, and HTML checking. Highly recommended.

NetMind - Use this tool to add a form on your site so that visitors can automatically be informed when your site changes.

NetVotes - Add a live webpoll to your site. Allow your visitors to vote on a particular question, and see the results upon placing their vote.

PositionAgent - Checks how you rank in the 10 most popular search engines.

RankThis! - Check how you rank in 10 of the most popular search engines. Highly Recommended.

Recommend-it - Makes it easy for your sites visitors to tell their friends about your site.

Response-O-Matic - Generate mailto: forms to put onto your website with ease.

SiteInspector - Let this tool check the HTML, Spelling, Loading time, links, search engine readiness, popularity and browser compatability of your site. Highly Recommended.

SiteOwner - Generates, and checks your Meta tags, as well as checking the number of sites around the internet linking to yours. Also offers very easy submission to 7 major search engines using Submit-It.

SurveyEngine - Create free a survey for your site, and view the results online. A great way to collect information about your visitors.

SurveyLab - Create online surveys for your website without the need to CGI scripting.

TellAFriend - This service allows visitors to your website to easily and quickly refer their friends to your site.

VantageNet - Add a free webpoll (similar to one's found at and other big sites) and message board for your website.

W3 HTML Validation Service - Checks your webpage for compliance with various standards.

WhichBrowser - Add a live counter on your site, tracking the percentage of visitors using Netscape, Explorer, and "Other".

Web Techs - Online HTML validation tool, make sure your HTML is compatible with all browsers and that there are no mistakes.

WebSiteGarage - Checks spelling, load time, popularity, and links on your site. Highly Recommended.

Website Garage Meta Tag - Generate META tags in 3 easy steps.

Want to increase your Web Site Traffic? WebPosition makes it easy to monitor your search positions & to improve your rankings! Don't be buried in last place, move up to first place!

WebTicker - Add a piece of HTML code to your site, that will load up a Java Applet which will display the latest news headlines on your site.

Learn How to Start and Promote a Successful Business on 
the Internet

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